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The Criminal Justice System

The back log of cases remains high, but progress is being made. The hard work of the judiciary is to be commended and is discussed regularly at the local criminal justice board. The increase in numbers of officers and the new policing model will result in more crime being solved and offenders brought to justice. The public expect to see suitable punishment / sanctions for offenders to act as a deterrent and the needs of victims fulfilled. This will enhance public trust and confidence.


  • Lack of capacity is a difficulty and access to justice can be compromised for residents on low incomes, remote locations and reliance on public transport. Use of new technology could help. I will continue to lobby for an overhaul of the whole criminal justice system to increase capacity and reduce the courts backlog. I support a Royal Commission to make recommendations for a fit for purpose criminal justice system we can all respect and be proud of.


  • Re-offending rates need to be reduced and work with prison authorities, probation services and the voluntary sector presents the opportunity deliver a range of exciting new and innovative initiatives for the rehabilitation of inmates and other offenders.


  • I will support alternative forms of sanction / punishment and victim reparation need developing such as Restorative Justice.



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For Suffolk PCC

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Promoted by Geoff Holdcroft on behalf of Tim Passmore both at SCCA, 4 Cumberland Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4AB

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