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Partnerships, Demand Reduction and Crime Prevention

Demand on our Constabulary continues to rise at an extraordinary rate. The demographic changes and an aging and expanding populations present further challenges.


  • The range of partnership working in Suffolk is second to none and I am committed to expanding this approach, regardless of which economic sector is involved.


  • The school exclusion rate and numbers of looked after and missing children are too high. New multi-agency partnerships will be established to help reduce demand.


  • Our Crime Disorder and reduction grants scope and provision will be expanded.


  • Community Safety Partnerships and responsible authorities are integral to preventing crime. Voluntary organisations such as Neighbourhood Watch, Citizens Advice Bureaus are important partners in this work. Their inputs will be formalised on an annual basis.


  • Involvement of design out crime officers in the planning process should become mainstream for all Suffolk planning authorities.


  • The Roadsafe Board will continue to look at ways to improve road user safety and utilise any unallocated reserves.


  • The joint estates programme with Suffolk Fire and Rescue is one of the most significant nationally. I will actively encourage and explore more joint working and response with SFRS as well as other policing bodies.



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For Suffolk PCC

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Promoted by Geoff Holdcroft on behalf of Tim Passmore both at SCCA, 4 Cumberland Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4AB

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